Conversion Rate Optimization

Turn Your Visitors Into Paying Customers and Boost Your Sales

Reach new levels of success with a solid CRO marketing strategy expertly tailored to your unique business requirements! Put your conversion marketing needs in the capable hands of our conversion rate optimization agency and reap the benefits of Conversion Rate Optimization services done the right way.

What Is Conversion Rate Optimization?

Marketers tend to spend most of their time, money and resources driving clicks and traffic to their websites, thinking it’s the endgame. But here’s the thing: Generating interest is just the initial phase of search engine optimization (SEO) and digital marketing. The real challenge is converting those clicks and traffic into profits. This is where conversion rate optimization comes in.

Domain authority is a ranking score that predicts a website’s ability to rank in search engines based on its overall quality. It runs on a scale of 1-100, with 100 being the highest. Websites with high DA rank faster and higher in search results.

What is conversion optimization and what does it mean? In defining this concept, marketers often use purchases as a measure of success. CRO goals and metrics, however, differ per brand. Depending on your marketing needs and objectives, there are multiple CRO SEO goals you can set for your business, including:

What is conversion rate optimization if you’re not mastering best practices to make your CRO marketing goals actionable and measurable? Decide what you want to achieve with your CRO website, understand your audience demands and launch growth-driven conversion marketing campaigns to compel more people to take your desired action.

Additionally, as you focus on improving conversion rates, it is imperative that you dig through various CRO metrics that impact your optimization efforts and CRO SEO results.

What Is CRO metric? Conversion optimization metrics are benchmarks that CRO companies track during CRO testing to determine your CRO website performance and identify opportunities for conversion funnel optimization and conversion marketing. CRO metrics include:

Bounce Rate

The percentage of page visitors who visit your website but left without navigating to other web pages. A high bounce rate indicates that there is a problem with your CRO website. As such, knowing how to lower bounce rate is imperative to increase website conversion rate.


An event wherein an online user enters a website from an external source, such as a paid campaign, organic search result or social media post. The more people land on your CRO website, the higher your chances of improving conversion rates.

Click-through Rate (CTR)

This conversion optimization metric shows how many of the people who saw your ads, organic listing or search results clicked on your site link. Click through rate is used to gauge your keyword performance and CRO marketing campaign relevance.

Pages Per Visit

Measures the volume of web pages a particular audience segment views on your website. Your average page per visit indicates the level of your site engagement and ability to provide useful information.

Page Load Time

It shows how quickly your website responds to user interaction. Studies reveal the first five seconds of your page load time have the highest impact on your conversion rate. To increase conversion rate, be sure to optimize your page load time and prioritize user experience (UX) in your web design.

Return On Investment (ROI)

What is conversion optimization if not a growth-centric method to boost your revenue? Your business’s ROI allows you to gauge the impact of your conversion rate marketing efforts on your bottom line and re-assess your CRO marketing spending.

Leads Generated

Leads pertain to online users or site visitors who showed interest in your brand offerings and are ready to move along your conversion funnel. Effective conversion rates marketing campaigns result in above-average lead conversion rate and sustainable revenue.

Website Traffic

This conversion rate marketing metric refers to the number of online users who visit your website. By tracking patterns in your website traffic, you can determine key areas of improvement for your website conversion optimization.

Exit Rate

The percentage of site visitors who leave your website from a particular page after visiting at least one other web page on your site. To improve conversion rate, be sure to set a standard acceptable exit rate for your different website pages.

Cost Per Conversion (CPC)

Also known as cost per action (CPA), this CRO SEO metric indicates the price you pay to obtain a new customer. Top CRO companies enhance your customer value to improve conversion rate and reduce your total CPC over time.

Partner With a Trusted CRO Agency and
Increase Website Conversion Rate

In this increasingly competitive online marketplace, conversion rate serves as the most important key performance indicator (KPI) for business growth. What is conversion optimization if not a way to maximize the effectiveness of your CRO website and turn more visitors into customers? If your website is struggling to convert, you are essentially losing business with each passing day.

Take a 1 percent marketing conversion rate and increase it to 3 percent and you’ve essentially tripled your leads without having to earn a single extra visitor to your site. That’s the magic of conversion rates marketing from results-driven CRO companies.

What are you waiting for? Enlist our CRO services to learn more about what is CRO and start generating more revenue!


MYB Internet Marketing Agency is one of the most established CRO companies dedicated to helping more business owners understand conversion rate marketing and its critical role in achieving online success. Entrust your conversion rate optimization to our CRO agency and let us capture the interest of your target audience and move them along your CRO marketing sales funnel.

Marketing Conversion Rate vs. Click-Through Rate

Track Your Metrics and Create Winning Campaigns

Digital marketers use both marketing conversion rate and CTR to measure the success of their SEO and online marketing efforts. Do not confuse conversion rate with click through rate, however. These two metrics affect two different stages of your sales funnel.

Our conversion rate experts discussed what is conversion rate vs. click through rate to help optimize your website and marketing efforts for better conversions.

What Is Conversion Rate vs. Click Through Rate?

Conversion Rate 

What Is Conversion Rate?

Conversion rate pertains to the percentage of online users that complete a definite action out of the total number of site visitors. An understanding of what is a conversion rate is crucial because it directly impacts your business’s overall sales and revenue.

Earning a good conversion rate means your website CRO efforts are on the right track.

How To Calculate Conversion Rate:

To determine what is a good conversion rate, learning how to calculate conversion rate is essential. Here’s the formula on how to calculate conversion rate:

[Total Number of Completed Goals (i.e., email subscriptions, number of sales, etc.)/ Total Number of Website Visitors] x 100 = Conversion Rate

For example, if you had 100 email subscriptions from 1,000 website interactions, your conversion rate would be 10 percent.

[100/1,000] x 100 = 10%

What Is a Good Conversion Rate?

The average landing page conversion rate varies depending on factors such as your goals and niche. What is a good conversion rate? The average landing page conversion rate across the online marketplace is 2.35 percent. Meanwhile, the top 10 percent companies convert at 11.45 percent at a minimum and the top 25 percent industry players boast at least a 5.31 percent conversion rate.

Your CRO efforts must generate a 10 percent conversion rate or higher to place your website conversion rates 3X to 5X higher than the average landing page conversion rate.

Be sure to consult with the top CRO companies to find out what is a conversion rate ideal percentage for your specific industry.

Click Through rate

What Is Click Through Rate?

CTR is considered a micro-conversion or an event that correlates with your end goals, such as purchases or signups.

What is click through rate in relation to conversion rate? A high average click through rate is a good indication that you’re doing things right. In most cases, more clicks also eventually lead to more conversions.

How To Calculate Click Through Rate:

To address the question of what is a good click through rate, you must first establish how to calculate click through rate. Conversion rate experts follow this formula on how to calculate click through rate:

[Total Clicks / Total Impressions] x 100 = Click Through Rate

For example, if your paid ads earned 150,000 impressions and 3,500 of those people clicked the ad to visit your website, your CTR is 2.3 percent.

[3,500/150,000] x 100 = 2.3%

What Is a Good Click Through Rate?

The question of what is a good click through rate is a hotly debated topic. This is because the average click through rate varies per campaign and based on factors such as target keywords, ad position, ad format, country and niche market.

As of October 2020, the average click through rate in Google Ads across all industries is 3.17 percent on Search and 0.46 percent on the Google Display Network (GDN). For the eCommerce industry, the average click through rate is 2.69 percent on Search and 0.51 percent on GDN.

Experienced CRO companies can help you identify what is click through rate ideal percentage for your niche and launch appropriate measures to achieve it.

Have more questions like what is conversion rate, what is CRO standard metric for your niche or how to increase conversion rate? Get in touch with our CRO agency and let’s discuss all your CRO questions one by one.

Why Conversion Rate
Is So Important for Online Success

Make a Remarkable Difference to Your Bottom Line

You’ve successfully gained your customers’ interest. What’s next? Convincing prospects to purchase your product or take your desired action isn’t exactly easy.


Research shows around two-thirds — or approximately 68 percent of businesses — still don’t have a structured website conversion optimization strategy in place. What’s more, Econsultancy’s annual Conversion Rate Optimization Report revealed that brands spend only $1 on website conversion rate optimization for every $92 spent on customer acquisition.


These numbers reveal a huge gap between the amount companies spend on driving traffic and the amount spent turning that traffic into website conversions.


If you don’t capitalize on website conversion optimization, you miss out on a lucrative opportunity to gather valuable data, maximize your website’s full potential and improve conversion rate.


On the other hand, investing in CRO services allows you to:

Make Data-Driven Decisions

Simply having an interactive web design and generating leads and traffic are not enough to boost your monthly sales and guarantee long-term profitability. You need a robust landing page optimization strategy to obtain your objectives and reach your maximum potential.

Conversion rate optimization services by top CRO companies include A/B testing, heat maps analysis and user behavior assessment, which allow you to understand your customer behavior and identify specific website elements you need to optimize to generate more revenue month-over-month (MoM) without overspending.

Develop a Customer-Centric Mindset

One of the keys to online success is striking a balance between pleasing online users and search engines. Statistics show about 88 percent of online users are less likely to return to a website after a bad experience – and there goes your opportunity to increase website conversion rate.

The good news is that conversion optimization services providers prioritize the user experience in website conversion rate optimization. Conversion rate experts perform CRO testing to determine existing user pain points, identify potential site issues and find the middle ground in keeping both users and search engines happy.

Improve Conversion Rates Marketing Results

Sales funnel conversion optimization requires a methodical approach to clearly identify marketing opportunities, analyze performing and non-performing metrics and generate high website conversions. Evidently, not knowing how to increase conversion rate puts you at a disadvantage.

With the right conversion optimization services, you get access to user behavior analytics tools and advanced CRO software that simplify information gathering and analysis. Using the analytics reports, you can develop an effective marketing strategy that captures your audience’s attention and moves them to the bottom of your sales funnel.

Outpace the Competition

Your online traffic means very little if your page visitors are bouncing off your page quickly. And if you have a high bounce rate, you’re not converting traffic into leads and conversions.

Conversion optimization services from a results-driven CRO agency can dramatically improve the return on your marketing investments and set your business apart from the competition. Strategic conversion funnel optimization tactics increase your revenue even with the same number of website visitors. Conversion optimization is a powerful tool that maximizes your marketing efforts and works hand-in-hand with SEO to increase your organic traffic, leads and website conversions.

Raise Your Conversion Rate and
Get Incremental Revenue Over Time

The digital marketplace is plagued with myths and misconceptions that impede the online growth of several industry leaders. Inexperienced marketers, for one, often see sales funnel conversion optimization as an additional expense instead of a smart investment that helps move their business goals.

Many brands also face multiple obstacles when it comes to conversion funnel optimization, including:

If you’ve been struggling to turn traffic into leads, our CRO agency will assess your sales funnel and your user experience to weed out problem areas and eliminate anything that might provide friction to your conversion goals.

Reach out to our CRO company and discover how to lower bounce rate and how to increase conversion rate using proven white-hat landing page optimization techniques.

MYB Conversion Rate Optimization Services

Communicate Your Brand Value and Build Online Trust

CRO Audit

It’s important to do a full CRO audit on your pages and use heat maps, Google Analytics and other CRO testing tools to see your website interactions and gauge if prospects are taking the right actions that you want. Our conversion rate optimization consultant conducts in-depth CRO audits and extensive conversion marketing research, covering each stage of your sales funnel, including search query intent and landing page layout and content. These practices allow us to optimize your calls to action and other site elements for better conversion.

A/B Split Testing

We believe that data-driven conversion rate digital marketing initiatives are key to executing lucrative marketing campaigns. That is why our conversion optimization agency performs various CRO testing solutions, including A/B split testing and multivariate testing, depending on your website performance and online needs. Our A/B testing services range from simply testing a different call to action to switching out different landing pages to find what works.

Google Analytics

Unlike other split testing and CRO audit tools, Google Analytics is a free service that allows businesses to gain in-depth insights into their website engagement metrics and online performance. Our CRO consultant uses Google Analytics to track your behavioral metrics (including online traffic, bounce rate, page views and average session duration), analyze your user behavior and generate real-time, valuable reports. We leverage Google Analytics reports to improve your CRO SEO efforts and improve conversion rate.

Heat Maps Testing

Heat maps are useful visual representations of user engagement, interests and interactions as page visitors navigate your CRO website. We leverage heat maps testing tools to determine site elements that are getting ignored or attracting more attention and engagement than they should. Depending on the heat maps result, we make appropriate changes on your call to action button, graphics, content, site layout and other website elements to ensure your page visitors do not get distracted by unimportant page elements.

Website Design and Development

Statistics show simplifying form fields and keeping them to a minimum drives up to 120 percent more conversions. Evidently, your website design is a big part of improving conversion rates. How your landing page is structured, where your CTA button is located and where specific site elements are positioned significantly impact your efforts regarding how to lower bounce rate and increase website conversion rate. To enhance your site functionality, accessibility and usability, our CRO consultant implements web design and development best practices and prioritizes your landing page optimization.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Minimize your attrition rate and fill your website conversion funnel with integrated SEO and conversion optimization services. Our CRO consultant collaborates with other Make Your Brandz digital marketing experts to create a solid, data-driven foundation for generating qualified leads and converting customers. We perform necessary split testing of your site elements, including CTA button, page content and keyword targeting, track user behavior analytics and prioritize creating a positive website experience for better ROI and scalability.

User Behavior Analytics

Create personalized landing pages that resonate with your customers’ marketing needs and demands and improve your conversions. We identify and analyze your user behavior, such as their click behavior and browsing and purchase activities, to determine user patterns and get more new and returning visitors to convert. More importantly, we analyze the difference between the percentage of converted and unconverted users per campaign to facilitate your strategy planning and decision-making process.

ADA Website Compliance

Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is crucial in attracting more customers and securing equal access to your website. Make Your Brandz is one of the few CRO companies that offer comprehensive ADA compliant services. Our ADA compliance tool boasts features such as seizure-safe profile, keyboard navigation, blind users support and orientation adjustments, designed to safeguard your brand from ADA compliance lawsuits and ensure quality website experience for all page visitors. From your call to action button to your website content, we make sure everything is ADA compliant.

Content Writing

Your content needs to be persuasive and make people want to take action. But what if you don’t understand what is a call to action or how to write effective site content? Our conversion rate experts are knowledgeable in various industries and areas of conversion rate digital marketing. Whether you’re in the healthcare, pest control or manufacturing industry, our content specialists and online marketing professionals can create data-driven content that promotes better online engagement and website conversions. Schedule a consultation with our conversion optimization agency to find out how we can optimize your calls to action, service pages and other site content.

Why Choose MYB for Conversion Rate Optimization

Unlock Your Business Growth Using Proven Methodologies

Make Your Brandz Internet Marketing Agency takes pride in having more than 7 years of conversion rate digital marketing experience. Since 2015, our CRO company has been collaborating with small businesses, local eCommerce stores, enterprises and multiple-location companies to increase their customer lifetime value (CLV) and gain a competitive edge.

Make Your Brandz stands head and shoulders above the next CRO company through:

Fully-Managed Web Services

We don’t just diagnose your conversion issues, we also implement growth-driven conversion rate optimization tactics to solve them. Our CRO agency offers a comprehensive suite of services, including local SEO, social media marketing, web hosting, email marketing and much more! Establish a relationship with our trusted digital marketing agency to promptly tackle not only your conversion optimization questions, but also any online issue you could conceivably run into.

Tailored Conversion Optimization Services

The efficacy of our conversion rate optimization solutions is proven, but we understand that no two businesses are the same. You talk, and our conversion optimization agency will listen. As with any of our services, we value your input and seek to resolve the challenges you face. We also proactively audit your site and traffic data and look for conversion marketing problems or solutions that may never have occurred to you.

Expert Insights

Many conversion optimizer tools out there run an automated CRO audit and look for conversion rate marketing red flags. Some are even reasonably decent. However, an automated CRO audit can’t tell you that an image or heading communicates the wrong message or many other subtleties that can turn a potential customer off. These are invaluable insights that we provide to our partner agencies. Need help in determining what is a call to action appropriate placement on your website? Sign up for our free consultation and let’s discuss your most pressing CRO questions.

Well-Rounded Approach

Successful conversion rate marketing campaigns do not just consist of SEO and web design solutions. Our conversion optimization agency builds a well-rounded conversion rate digital marketing strategy to maximize the use of your website and social media platforms. We leverage CRO audit reports to generate more buzz for your brand and improve the click rates of your call to action buttons. Discover what our clients have to say about the quality of our account management and conversion rate digital marketing services.

Proven Track Record of Success

Make Your Brandz is a leading CRO agency with a growing list of awards and accolades for providing customer-centric conversion optimization and digital marketing services. We’re a conversion optimization agency that gets results – but that’s not all we are. We also teach you the nitty-gritty of the conversion optimization processes we implement to ensure we are on the same page. Need expert insights, a simple answer to, “What is a call to action?” or tips on how to increase conversion rate? Our conversion rate optimization consultant has got you covered!

Ongoing CRO Audits

An Econsultancy report revealed that businesses with high conversion rates perform 50 percent more split testing solutions than other companies. This proves that A/B split testing is not a one-time marketing effort. Trends and user behavior constantly change. To ensure you stay on top of the competition, your website and landing page design must adapt. Our CRO agency performs scheduled A/B testing and a regular CRO audit to optimize your website pages and marketing materials and generate more leads and conversions. We can also run campaign audits upon request – just let us know when you need a CRO report, and we’ll generate it and analyze the results for you.